Vikram Rao
Founder & CEO
Over 15 years of experience in Financial Services Industry and in Insurance domain. AMFI registred Mutual Fund Distributor since 2017.
(+91) 97117-13322
My Story
It all started back in the the year 2011 when I fortunately took interest in reading a book that changed my whole idea about money. The topic of finance intrigued me, and I started reading more and more. Sooner than later, I realized that, I have been doing it all wrong by just sticking to the traditional asset classes like real-estate and fixed deposits. A common man doesn’t deploy the money efficiently enough to earn the best possible returns, because they lack the very basic knowledge of how money works.
After 5 years of constant reading, gathering the knowledge and managing my own money, I started off with helping close friends and family in managing their finances and educating them. One of the biggest learning from my readings was that any asset that is bought with emotions will end up as a bad apple in the portfolio. It is the numbers and the mathematics that gave a different perspective to an asset class and kept emotions out of the equation. WEALTHMATIX or building wealth using mathematics, is the product of that realization.
WEALTHMATIX is built with the sole intention of helping common people like you & me to manage their finances better and deploy their hard earned money optimally. We charge for the time we spend but the knowledge is free to give away. At WEALTHMATIX, money does not matter, but people do.
Our Values
We believe in Do-AS-I-Do rather than DO-AS-I-SAY. Unlike others, we just don’t tell you where to invest. Rather, we educate you on how it works and how is it right for you. We give you the rationale behind every recommendation.
We are different, because we do tell.
We vaule Trust more than investment or investment returns. Honesty is the foundation of trust at WEALTHMATIX.
We believe that the best returns are generated when investor themselves have the conviction to hold onto the investments. And conviction comes from knowledge.
We believe that the star investors are not the smartest ones but the most discplined ones. We try and inculcate discpline into the investors financial journey.
What We Do Best

Expense Planning

Contingency Planning

Insurance Planning

Tax Planning

Goal Planning

Investment Planning

Retirement Planning

Estate Planning