Which are the best funds to invest?

Which are the best funds to invest?

Sorry, I don’t know – is the answer I give. Quite disappointing, innit ? People ask me this question more often than you think. Every second person I come across who wants to start investing wants to know one or two best mutual funds where they can invest. It’s not...
5 Mistakes of Financial Life

5 Mistakes of Financial Life

1. Not having a goal or a plan How can one be lost without a destination? How can one judge the sanity of a financial decision when he does not know where he is and where he wants to be?  Not Knowing, why you are investing in itself is the biggest mistake of...
Investment return from a house

Investment return from a house

In India, buying home is an emotional decision rather than logical. Emotions are priceless, so I can only explain things logically. I personally feel that there are three kinds of assets. The one that distributes cash The one that has potential to distribute cash or...
Banking Basics

Banking Basics

We hear about banks and banking in our daily life. Banking is an interesting business. But how many of us really understand what bank does OR how it earns money. Here is a ready reckoner for you. Well, if you are thinking that banks takes the money that we deposit...
Beginning of the “End of ownership?”

Beginning of the “End of ownership?”

Ownership or in other words, possession of worldly goods has been for quite some time, a symbol of showing that a person has “arrived”. Often, a person is judged by the size of their house, the car that they drive in or the latest in fashion that they...